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Joy: Let Us Celebrate the Gift of Jesus
Rev James Armpriester24 December 2020 erry Christmas! I hope your day is full of joy, and as Bing Crosby sings, “May your days be merry and bright!” Today is the day we celebrate the gift of love God so generously sent to us! Jesus — the Son of...
Thanksgiving: Reasons to Be Grateful in This Season
Rev. James Armpriester26 November 2020 love the Thanksgiving holiday! It is a time the extended family gathers to enjoy a couple of days of being together. Generations sit around the same dinner table to partake in their favorite Thanksgiving Day...
Managing Finances as Newlyweds
Gabriella & Trevor McLaughlin27 November 2020he way to get out of debt — and stay out of the red — is to run as fast as a frightened gazelle runs away from a starving cheetah.¹ Alright, so, we can’t take the credit for that piece of sage...
Your Career and Calling: How Your Deepest Joy Can Meet the Deep Needs of Others
Victoria Gracian25 November 2020ery few individual pieces of paper follow us as time passes by. But I have one small, postcard-sized piece of paper that has followed me from the week of Freshman Orientation in college to now be in a prominent...
Healthy for the Holidays: Nutrition and 30-Minute, At-Home Workouts
Tamara Dispoto24 November 2020he holidays are quickly approaching. What better way to enter the season than to be prepared with a few 30-minute, at-home workouts to help work off all of that delicious food? We all know that Thanksgiving is the...
Attitudes that Bring Blessing: Be a Peacemaker
Rev. James Armpriester23 November 2020 O ne month before I was born, in October 1962, the “October Crisis” reached its pinnacle as the United States and the Soviet Union nearly went to war. The issue was Soviet missiles being delivered to Cuba. Having a missile base...
Nancy Luquette20 November 2020 M any of us don’t like to talk about insurance. It’s boring, it seems expensive, it feels complicated, and some think it’s a waste of money. Perhaps you’re not sure what kind and how much insurance you need. Unfortunately, there’s not a...
Your Profession, Your Faith
Beatrice Duncan19 November 2020s Christians, we are faced with making important life choices of which selecting a profession or vocation is critical. The Word of God demonstrates that working to earn a living is compatible with the Christian faith....
Having an Attitude of Gratitude Eases the Mind and the Soul
Brenda Armpriester17 November 2020o you typically have a “glass half full” or a “glass half empty” perspective? It can be a real challenge to see the bright side of every circumstance. Yet, God’s word exhorts us to “give thanks in all...
Attitudes That Bring Blessing: Pure in Heart
Rev James Armpriester16 November 2020 B efore pursuing a call to ministry, I was a molecular biologist. For 10 years, post-graduate school, I worked in a lab designing and performing all sorts of genetic engineering experiments. My focus was to “improve” enzymes used...
Do Not Be Anxious: This Too Shall Pass
Jorge Cruz13 November 2020his is truly a rollercoaster year. We are facing many challenges, struggles, losses, and growing pains, directly and indirectly. Whether you have your finances in order at the moment, or your finances are all over the...
Trusting God for Guidance in Your Career and Calling
Jaime Weatherhead-Saul12 November 2020s I continue to grow in my walk with the Lord, I find that I rely on Him daily for His guidance to make even the simplest of life’s decisions. I can also admit that even with His help, I can sometimes feel...
A Healthy Lifestyle — For Such a Time as This
Tamara Dispoto10 November 2020 s believers in Jesus Christ, we know that God is in control of all things. When times are challenging, He calls us to stand firm in our faith and be ready to fulfill His purpose in our lives, no matter what is going...
Attitudes That Bring Blessing: Blessed are the Merciful
Pastor Chris Rainey 9 November 2020 he Beatitudes describe the values of God’s kingdom, and this week’s kingdom value that allows us to experience the blessed life is mercy. What is mercy? Mercy refers to acts that address people’s misery that...
Finding Time for Finances
Amorel Sheppard6 November 2020od provides for us in so many ways, such as giving us health, strength, and the ability to work and earn money. The money we earn belongs to God, and He has entrusted us with it. For example, in the Book of Psalms...
Career and Calling: The Benefits of a Personality Test
Pastor Chris Rainey5 November 2020 was well into my thirties when I first took a personality test through my work as a training professional at UPS: the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The goal of these assessments in a work context is to help...
Accountability: A Responsibility and a Blessing
Mike Paredes4 November 2020 I do not think anyone likes the word accountability. It sounds harsh when you first encounter it, and truthfully, we don’t like to be held accountable; it is not comfortable. This may sound like a negative way to start an encouraging blog,...
The Emotional Benefits of Physical Activity
Gabrielle Walters 3 November 2020 id you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting over 40 million adults each year, on average?¹ There is a fundamental link between physical and emotional health. In 3...
Attitudes That Bring Blessing: Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
Rev. James Armpriester2 November 2020 ast month, I went to cash a check at my bank. Miraculously, I was the only car in the drive-thru lane. Not feeling the need to be in a hurry, I struck up a conversation with the teller. The conversation landed...
Giving + Tithes = Blessings
Desmond Torruella30 October 2020 G od gave us life and dominion over the world. God desires for us to be blessed, to receive reward, experience love, peace, joy, and have an abundant life. We know from reading Genesis that God blessed His creation, “God blessed them...
Your Job Search During a Pandemic
Colleen Bassett29 October 2020erhaps you were laid off or furloughed since COVID-19 took us by storm. As restrictions are slowly lifting and businesses that survived the lockdown begin to resume, it is a good time to continue or start the job hunt....
The Importance of Women’s Ministry: Engaging Women to Connect with Jesus and Each Other
Tereza Taylor28 October 2020stablishing a women’s ministry helps to meet some of the social and spiritual needs of ladies within the church community. Organized activities that provide enjoyment, connection, and spiritual edification help to...
Attitudes That Bring Blessing: The Meek
Rev. James Armpriester26 October 2020he other day, I was in a conversation with someone who said something completely different from what I thought would be said! Has that ever happened to you — out of nowhere, the conversation takes a left turn...
Five Things to Know When Buying a House
Jorge Cruz23 October 2020hen it comes to wealth, we sometimes hesitate to welcome and enjoy it because the Bible talks about money and the dangers of it becoming an idol in our lives. One of the Scriptures that comes to mind is Luke 16:13 “No...
Work-Life Balance During a Pandemic
Jaime Weatherhead- Saul22 October 2020ave you ever felt like there were not enough hours in the day? Or perhaps you have been wearing just one too many hats. For many, this has been the sentiment over the last few months. Maybe you have been trying...
Return on Your Investment: Receive Eternal Rewards Through Relationship
Debbie Grant21 October 2020ne of many concerns these days are investments and the return on them. Sixteen years ago my husband and I made an investment that has provided us with eternal dividends — becoming leaders of Generation Hope young adults...
Do Christians Need a Day of Rest?
Brian A Walters20 October 2020eing raised in a Jamaican home led by devout Christians was a sure way of putting the brakes on any overactive child who was unfamiliar with the significance of keeping the Sabbath holy. We had no choice. We knew...
Attitudes That Bring Blessing: Those Who Mourn
Rev. James Armpriester19 October 2020any things naturally go together like, peanut butter and jelly, ice cream and apple pie, steak and lobster…I'm getting hungry just thinking about these combinations. Yet the attitudes Jesus tells us that bring...
Debt and Emergency Savings- How to Reduce One and Increase the Other When It Seems Impossible
Nancy Luquette16 October 2020ersonal finances is one of the hardest topics to talk about; it creates tension in many families. We’ve all done stupid things with money at some point in our lives. But you don’t have to be a victim of those bad...
Employee Attributes Important to Employers and God
Colleen Bassett15 October 2020ith the rise in unemployment and so many on the search for a new job opportunity, knowing what attributes employers look for in an employee can prove quite valuable. I asked Google this question a few different ways to...
QUALITY TIME is a Must: Strengthening Our Marriages During Times of Crisis
Albert and Yasmin Rosado14 October 2020ust a few weeks shy of our first wedding anniversary, Albert received a phone call that would leave him as he described, “stunned, confused, angry and sad at the same time.” His parents who had been married...
Facing Anxiety: Helpful Ways to Alter Its Impact and Achieve Peace
Nelda Morales13 October 2020ithout sounding like a pessimist, life on earth can be very difficult. Dr. Scott Peck starts his book, The Road Less Traveled, with this statement, “Life is difficult.” He goes on to say that [recognizing that life is...
Attitudes That Bring Blessing: Poor in Spirit
Rev. James Armpriester12 October 2020 hen I was a little boy, one of the songs we learned in Kids Church made a profound connection between a person's state-of-mind and his or her actions. Maybe you have heard it: "If You're Happy and You Know...
Take God at His Word When Saving for College
Amorel Sheppard9 October 2020ducation is a fundamental part of child development and a medium used to open up opportunities to help one embark on many different journeys. Many people dream to afford themselves or their children a college...
Hard Work or Easy Street: The Allure of The Life of Riley
Pastor Chris Rainey8 October 2020rowing up, my grandparents introduced me to a phrase, “the life of Riley.” It means to lead a life of luxury without hard work, which my working-class grandparents — my grandmother was a cafeteria manager and my...
LOVE is Essential: Strengthening Our Marriages During a Crisis
Albert and Yasmin Rosado7 October 2020hen I think about love, I can't help but think about God. In the Bible, 1 John 4:8 teaches us that God is love. His love for us is unconditional. Despite our flaws and shortcomings, He loves us! There is...
Denial or Truth: What to Choose When Facing Difficulty
Tereza Taylor6 October 2020hat is denial? According to Merriam-Webster, denial is defined as “a false system of beliefs that are not based on reality" and “a self-protecting behavior that keeps us from honestly facing the truth.” In psychology, it...
Are You a Happiness Seeker? Discover How to Achieve a Life of Blessing
Rev. James Armpriester5 October 2020id you know that the Bible is all about blessing? The very beginning of Scripture begins with God’s desire to create a world where mankind would be blessed with true happiness. In this sense, Adam and Eve...
Seven Strategies for Frugal Spending
Jorge Cruz2 October 2020s we navigate and adjust our lives to the new normal of this pandemic and the financial impact it has on our global economy, I’m reminded of Genesis 41. Here we see Pharoah waking up from a dream that no one was able to...
Following God’s Plan
Brian Walters1 October 2020ome of the most inspiring accounts in Scripture are following the interactions with God and man. Most notably, we imagine a modest Moses in the Book of Exodus discounting his own character as a way of squirming out of the...
Follow Me: Jesus’s Circle of Friends
Pastor Mike Paredes30 September 2020s we look at the life of Jesus, we see that one of the first things He set out to do was to gather people around Him that would become His circle of friends. We see in the Gospels that Jesus calls the disciples...
How to Emotionally Thrive, Not Just Survive
Brenda Armpriester 29 September 2020ocial scientist and researcher Brené Brown wrote in her book, Braving the Wilderness, “The world today feels like a political and ideological combat zone; surrounded by an us vs. them culture...” She goes on to...
The Shout-Out: Acknowledging the Faithful
Beatrice Duncan 28 September 2020 he Bible is spiritually and intellectually relevant for all time and generations. God is referred to as the Rock of Ages, not old-fashioned. I can testify that the Word of God remains as relevant to me today as it...
The Heart of Giving
SPIRITUALSPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES TESTED IN CRISISDesmond Torruella25 September 2020eing a believer in Jesus Christ — learning the Bible and doing my best to apply it to my daily life — is a very important part of my identity. As a professional, I make...
The Calling Within Us To Do Good
SPIRITUALSPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES TESTED IN CRISISLydia Kelly24 September 2020t is difficult to be a happy Christian without serving others. According to Dr. Jeanne Segal and Lawrence Robinson on Volunteering and its Surprising Benefits, “Human beings...
COMMUNICATION is Key: Strengthening Our Relationships During a Crisis
SPIRITUALSPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES TESTED IN CRISISAlbert and Yasmin Rosado23 September 2020t was our second wedding anniversary and we were excited to go on our seven-day Caribbean cruise. Our day started at about 4 A.M. as we prepared to catch a...
How to Help Children Cope During Uncertain Times
Nelda Morales22 September 2020he way we are currently living is completely different from the way we were living back in March 2020. In the blink of an eye, things have drastically changed. Up until the middle of March, we were living what we...
Citizenship Has Its Privileges
SPIRITUALSPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES TESTED IN CRISISBeatrice Duncan21 September 2020n every part of the world, citizenship is a critical part of a person’s identity and a precondition for accessing opportunities and essential services. It confers special...
Financial Peace During a Global Crisis: Take a fresh look at your expenses
SPIRITUALSPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES TESTED IN CRISISNancy Luquette18 September 2020e’ve been experiencing a global crisis for many months now and we don’t know when the situation will be significantly better — only God knows! At the beginning of the...
Your Work: Ministry Opportunity or Another Manic Monday?
SPIRITUALSPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES TESTED IN CRISISChris Rainey17 September 2020 t's just another manic Monday I wish it was Sunday 'Cause that's my fun day My I don't have to run day It's just another manic Monday. - Manic Monday, The BanglesIf you are...
Strengthening the Marriage Relationship
SPIRITUALSPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES TESTED IN CRISISPastor Albert and Yasmin Rosado16 September 2020ur wedding day was held on a beautiful, hot summer day. I nervously stood by the altar waiting for my beautiful bride-to-be. Time seemed to stop as Yasmin...
Wellness in the Setting of a Pandemic
WELLBEINGWellness in the Setting of a PandemicDr. Abayomi Salako15 September 2020ebster’s Dictionary defines wellness as “the quality or state of being healthy”, while Halbert Dunn (known as the father of the wellness movement) describes this as...
Spiritual Principles Tested in Crisis
SPIRITUALSPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES TESTED IN CRISISRev James Armpriester Jr.14 September 2020s a pastor and spiritual leader for the community of believers I serve, my faith is tested just like everyone else. When a new crisis arises, I have to trust...