Tamara Dispoto

24 November 2020

The holidays are quickly approaching. What better way to enter the season than to be prepared with a few 30-minute, at-home workouts to help work off all of that delicious food?

We all know that Thanksgiving is the beginning of our spiral downwards when it comes to healthy eating during the holidays — but it does not have to be! I want to share some tips with you on how to manage your portions but also enjoy the foods you love. 

Here are some sobering facts: 

  • On average, we consume about 3,000 calories on just the Thanksgiving dinner alone.
  • Most people do not get enough exercise during the holiday season
  • Eating and indulging is a stress reliever for many during the holiday season

It’s time to turn these facts around with the following tips:

1. Know what is on your plate. What exactly are you eating (protein, starch, vegetables)

2. If you know dinner will be heavy, have a lighter breakfast and lunch.

3. Drink LOTS of water! Thanksgiving dinner foods contain a lot of salt. Water will help flush out the toxins in the body and reduce swelling.

4. Slowly savor your food! Give your body time to digest.

5. Portion control! Skip the seconds.

6. Do not eat until full. Instead, eat up to 80% satisfaction.

7. Exercise! Do a 30-minute workout in the morning and then take a walk after your holiday meal. 

Photograph via Canva

Now it’s time to exercise with a variety of 30-minute workouts from which to choose.

Workout 1. Format: 4 rounds

  1. 20 – Jumping Jacks
  2. 10 – squats
  3. 20 – high knees
  4. 10 – push-ups
  5. 20 – mountain climbers

Core Challenge: 4 times

30-second elbow plank

30-second hover plank

30-second rest

Workout 2 – Format: one-minute rounds

(Each exercise will be done for 1 minute, you will get a 15-second rest in between each exercise. Once the first round is complete, you receive a 1-minute rest after each round. If you do not need the rest after each exercise, then continue)

 3-times through

  1. lunges
  2. bodyweight renegade rows ( or on knees)
  3. chair dips
  4. burpee sprawls
  5. Oblique twists (feet can be on the floor)
  6. Rest 1 minute

Challenge: wall sit for 2 minutes ( you need a timer)

(if you stop after 20 seconds, then stand. You must stop the timer. You have to accumulate up to 2 minutes)

Workout 3 – Format: as many rounds as possible in a 20-minute time cap (need weights)

  1. Run/jog 200 meters (essentially half a block and back, or use a treadmill) 
  2. 10 squat and press dumbbells or weights overhead
  3. 12 bent over rows with dumbbells 
  4. 15 step-ups ( use a box, chair, bleachers, etc)
  5. 20 alternating ab toe touches

These are just a few workouts you can do during the holiday season to stay in shape and curb that over-indulging appetite. I pray that you will have a blessed holiday! And stay healthy!

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