Tamara Dispoto

10 November 2020

As believers in Jesus Christ, we know that God is in control of all things. When times are challenging, He calls us to stand firm in our faith and be ready to fulfill His purpose in our lives, no matter what is going on around us. The Bible tells us that as Esther was chosen by God to help her people avoid extinction from the hands of evil, she had to ready herself for the task. Many of us need daily preparation to be ready for whatever God calls us to do. We must make an effort to be physically and mentally healthy for such a time as this. We must keep our eyes on the prize — God’s promises — and prepare to be fit in all aspects of our lives. 

It has been a tough year. For some, it has been easier to fall into bad eating habits and fall off from some of the physically active routines we used to have before COVID-19. Some have become more sedentary; others have more access to comfort food and snacks while working remotely. Many had to stop going to the gym because of state lockdowns. I feel we need a little something to get us all back on track to living a healthy lifestyle! 

Everyone knows that fitness is an essential part of overall health. What we learned from Gabrielle Walters’ Daily TLC blog last Tuesday, “The Emotional Benefits of Physical Activity, is that fitness has the ability to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. But did you know that while exercising, we increase blood flow to the brain, influencing something called the HPA axis, which is our stress trigger in our brain? This increased blood flow decreases inflammation and releases endorphins, which are chemicals that enhance your mood and make you feel good! Our mental state can easily change how we utilize our bodies! 


Photograph via Canva

There have been many studies showing that physical activity for 30 minutes at least three times a week can reduce the risk of heart disease, help with weight loss, and bring longevity to your life, but it will also help people learn discipline and perseverance in pushing through the difficult moments and overcoming them. Fitness breaks mental and emotional barriers that we set on ourselves; it brings about the positive change that can only happen through consistency and endurance. 

We have the power within us to overcome the mental, emotional, and physical battles within us. We have been gifted God’s perfect love and power to wield and use to make sure we are healthy and ready to do what it is He has called us to do, to be prepared and willing with strength. 

“So I run with purpose in every step, I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should…” 1 Corinthians 9:26-27 (revised)

I encourage you to continue to strengthen your mind and spirit through the word of God. But don’t neglect your body. Allow spiritual strength to go hand-in-hand with physical health. Through physical activity, you build confidence, boost self-esteem, and can overcome obstacles so that you can be ready for such a time as this!

Next time I will share 30-minute, at-home workouts! Stay tuned!

Helpful Resources

Websites on health and fitness to check out:






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