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Attitudes That Bring Blessing: Poor in Spirit

Attitudes That Bring Blessing: Poor in Spirit

Rev. James Armpriester12 October 2020 hen I was a little boy, one of the songs we learned in Kids Church made a profound connection between a person's state-of-mind and his or her actions. Maybe you have heard it: "If You're Happy and You Know...

Take God at His Word When Saving for College

Take God at His Word When Saving for College

 Amorel Sheppard9 October 2020ducation is a fundamental part of child development and a medium used to open up opportunities to help one embark on many different journeys. Many people dream to afford themselves or their children a college...

Denial or Truth: What to Choose When Facing Difficulty

Denial or Truth: What to Choose When Facing Difficulty

Tereza Taylor6 October 2020hat is denial? According to Merriam-Webster, denial is defined as “a false system of beliefs that are not based on reality" and “a self-protecting behavior that keeps us from honestly facing the truth.” In psychology, it...

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