Rev. James Armpriester

1 January 2021

Happy New Year!

For most of us, saying goodbye to 2020 is reason enough to celebrate the new year! Personally, I am ready for a new start and am hopeful that 2021 will bring relief from Covid-19 and all the ancillary dangers and issues of having this virus in our midst! So, with this hope, I say again, Happy New Year!

 Okay, I know a few of you are thinking…”We still are not out of the woods yet!”  It may be summer before we are back to normal…Yes, that is possible. Even so, we have a lot to look forward to. I know for Brenda and I, we are looking forward to seeing our grandchildren! Although we are grateful for FaceTime, it does not compare to seeing them in person! We can’t wait to hug their necks and kiss their faces! We are also looking forward to traveling again! We have people to see and places to visit. For Brenda, these places require an ocean, sand, and warm weather! I suppose I like that, too! What are you looking forward to?

 This question alone compels us to look beyond today! We move our focus to what can be, should be, and must be! Instead of months of myopic sight, we fix our eyes further out in time! Let your mind drift ahead to summer! Think about all the things you want to do in 2021! Do you feel it? As you are thinking about what might be, your spirit lifts, and your attitude improves! Cool, right?

Photograph via Canva

Now, let’s take time to build a plan to see these imagined activities become our reality! Here are a couple of ideas to get you started:

  1. Start with the end in mind. Write a paragraph describing what you are going to do. I like to describe the scene…you know…the ambiance, the feelings, the foods, activities, etc. This helps motivate me to do step 2.
  2. Work backwards. Once I know the who, what, where, when, and why from step 1, I take each part and work backwards. For example, if I want to visit my grandchildren in Ohio, several things have to be done: Establish an arrival date. Plan the mode of travel (car). Get time off. Make sure my responsibilities are covered. Pack the clothes. Load the car. Purchase gas. You catch the drift.  
  3. Assign deadlines for each task leading up to the date in step 2 so the dream can stay on track!
  4. Follow the plan!

Do this for all the things you want to do in 2021. Then overlay all of the tasks from all the events, trips, etc. on one calendar so you don’t miss something due! In this way you give yourself the best opportunity to see your dreams realized.

While we are waiting on the Covid-19 vaccine and other issues to settle, we can begin planning the best year ever! This mindset will move us beyond the mere “wish” for a happy new year!

Pastor Jim


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