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Giving + Tithes = Blessings

Giving + Tithes = Blessings

Desmond Torruella30 October 2020 G od gave us life and dominion over the world. God desires for us to be blessed, to receive reward, experience love, peace, joy, and have an abundant life. We know from reading Genesis that God blessed His creation, “God blessed them...

Your Job Search During a Pandemic

Your Job Search During a Pandemic

Colleen Bassett29 October 2020erhaps you were laid off or furloughed since COVID-19 took us by storm. As restrictions are slowly lifting and businesses that survived the lockdown begin to resume, it is a good time to continue or start the job hunt....

Attitudes That Bring Blessing: The Meek

Attitudes That Bring Blessing: The Meek

Rev. James Armpriester26 October 2020he other day, I was in a conversation with someone who said something completely different from what I thought would be said! Has that ever happened to you — out of nowhere, the conversation takes a left turn...

Five Things to Know When Buying a House

Five Things to Know When Buying a House

Jorge Cruz23 October 2020hen it comes to wealth, we sometimes hesitate to welcome and enjoy it because the Bible talks about money and the dangers of it becoming an idol in our lives. One of the Scriptures that comes to mind is Luke 16:13 “No...

Work-Life Balance During a Pandemic

Work-Life Balance During a Pandemic

Jaime Weatherhead- Saul22 October 2020ave you ever felt like there were not enough hours in the day? Or perhaps you have been wearing just one too many hats. For many, this has been the sentiment over the last few months. Maybe you have been trying...

Do Christians Need a Day of Rest?

Do Christians Need a Day of Rest?

Brian A Walters20 October 2020eing raised in a Jamaican home led by devout Christians was a sure way of putting the brakes on any overactive child who was unfamiliar with the significance of keeping the Sabbath holy. We had no choice. We knew...

Attitudes That Bring Blessing: Those Who Mourn

Attitudes That Bring Blessing: Those Who Mourn

Rev. James Armpriester19 October 2020any things naturally go together like, peanut butter and jelly, ice cream and apple pie, steak and lobster…I'm getting hungry just thinking about these combinations. Yet the attitudes Jesus tells us that bring...

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