Take God at His Word When Saving for College

Take God at His Word When Saving for College

 Amorel Sheppard 9 October 2020 Education is a fundamental part of child development and a medium used to open up opportunities to help one embark on many different journeys. Many people dream to afford themselves or their children a college education. However, in...
Seven Strategies for Frugal Spending

Seven Strategies for Frugal Spending

Jorge Cruz 2 October 2020 As we navigate and adjust our lives to the new normal of this pandemic and the financial impact it has on our global economy, I’m reminded of Genesis 41. Here we see Pharoah waking up from a dream that no one was able to interpret except for...
The Heart of Giving

The Heart of Giving

Desmond Torruella 25 September 2020 Being a believer in Jesus Christ — learning the Bible and doing my best to apply it to my daily life — is a very important part of my identity. As a professional, I make ends meet by working in Accounting and Finance for an...