Pastor Mike Paredes

30 September 2020

As we look at the life of Jesus, we see that one of the first things He set out to do was to gather people around Him that would become His circle of friends.

We see in the Gospels that Jesus calls the disciples to follow Him, and they do just that. They follow Him every day. They left everything behind for a friendship.

Fast forward to the night of the last supper with His disciples, where Jesus is about to lay down His life. He takes them to the Garden of Gethsemane. This is the most trying time for Jesus. Eternity is in the balances and He asks Peter, James, and John to go with Him and pray. Think about it for a second…Jesus is in an epic battle — so much so that He sweats drops of blood as He prays to the Father, asking if there is any other way. “But not my will, yours be done.” (Matthew 26:39)

And for that encounter, He asks regular men to be present, to be a support in this most difficult time, to be there with Him as He goes to the Father of Creation begging for release. This was probably His thought: I need my friends around me now.

How does that speak to us today? We are facing some of the most unique and difficult times at present, and we need a circle of friends.

Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” 

According to Scripture, we must come together and encourage each other as the days become difficult. We cannot do it alone. Jesus shows us how valuable our friendships are and how far we can take them. My friends, the disciples had no idea at the time what was happening, yet Jesus needed them there.

Photograph by Phill Coffman via Unsplash

What can we do? We can extend ourselves and ask the Holy Spirit to help us create friendships, engage people. We can call people, video chat with others. There is a group of men that meet locally every Saturday. It is affectionately called the “Starbucks Group,” but its official name is “Christ, Coffee, and Men.” We currently meet in-person and on Zoom at the same time every Saturday at 8 AM in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ.

We discuss the Word of God every week. We love each other by showing grace, giving encouragement and support, and praying for each other.  We use godly principles laid out for us in the Bible. 

Learning each week how to live out our lives in Christ, together we fight the good fight of faith, stand firm on His Word, and lead our families with godly determination.

I could tell you countless stories of how God intervened in the lives of these men and changed their hearts; healed marriages; found jobs; healed relationships; healed sick bodies; raised things that we thought were dead and brought them back to life, and brought hope to desperate situations. What a privilege to be able to share in these blessings and walk the journey together as God continues to do His work in our lives. 

If I can help you connect, please reach out to me. I love you and bless you in the mighty name of Jesus! 

Helpful Resources

Tony Evans, Kingdom Man, Tyndale House Publishers, 2012

John Eldredge, Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul, Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2001