Rev. James Armpriester

12 October 2020


hen I was a little boy, one of the songs we learned in Kids Church made a profound connection between a person’s state-of-mind and his or her actions. Maybe you have heard it: “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”  The lyrics, simplistic in nature, teach us that we must recognize happiness, and when we do, happiness requires a response or action.  

While I sang this song with gusto as a child, I never really understood what the song teaches. It wasn’t until I was an adult — singing this song with my son —  did I finally understand its meaning: Happiness must be known, realized, experienced; and that state of happiness causes us to respond with actions — or, as Kenny Chesney sings, “Happy does.” Both aspects are needed to be truly happy.

Over the years, I have realized that Jesus is the source of all happiness.  Knowing Him as He describes Himself through His teachings is the critical first step to soul-satisfying happiness. Then armed with this knowledge, I imitate Him. His principles and life example provide me with the template for how I want to live a happy life. Hillsong United’s song, “None But Jesus,” summarizes this thinking with the lyrics: 

There is no one else for me 

None but Jesus – crucified to set me free

Now I live to give you praise 

These lyrics show us the cause and effect of  knowing and doing! For the believer, knowing Jesus and living for Him gives us the greatest joy!  Happiness begins with Jesus and responds with gratitude.

Photograph via Canva

How does one get to know Jesus? We start with His teachings. Jesus tells us that He came to give us an abundant/blessed/happy life. The first principle Jesus imparts to us is that happiness begins with humility. He says that the poor in spirit will be happy. (Matthew 5:3) We all have some concept of humility, but Jesus takes it up a notch.  The humility required to know Jesus starts with an understanding that we lack anything that merits this relationship. We are destitute. The person who truly knows happiness begins by being fully self-aware of their lack!  Sin has separated us from God and the soul-satisfying reality we so desperately yearn. Jesus tells us that when we understand the source of happiness is external to us, only then can God fill us with His spirit that satisfies our need.

So, if you don’t know what to do, are searching for lasting happiness, and humbled by life’s circumstances, I have good news! You are the person God is looking for. He sent Jesus to be your savior and to become your source of happiness and purpose. Admit your poverty! Accept Jesus as God’s answer to your situation and then live your life to give Him praise!

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Helpful Resources

Francis Chan, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God, David C. Cook, 2008.